A Simple GGX Implementation

Every time I start a new renderer, I find myself having to piece together a GGX implementation from scratch. This normally involves re-reading whatever Eric Heitz has published lately as well as reference implementations like PBRT, Cycles or Appleseed. The implementations in these renderers are always tied to their integrators and material systems in more or less complicated ways, where all I want is just a simple sample()/eval()/pdf() triad.

Hopefully my current renderer (more on that later) will be the last time I do this, but just in case, here’s a simple implementation of anisotropic GGX reflection with visible normal sampling in CUDA C++. I’ll add transmission and multiple scattering as I get to them.

Note that I’m using the PBRT convention that shading calculations are performed in the local tangent space of the path vertex, with the surface normal pointing along the positive Z axis. Colours and PDFs are float4 since I’m doing spectral rendering using Hero Wavelength Sampling. If you’re using a boring old RGB renderer, just switch those types to float3 and float, and ignore the lambda variable that holds the currently active wavelengths.

// This data struct would be filled out in the material init function
struct BsdfData {
    float4 rho;              // reflectance
    float alpha_u;           // roughness in u direction
    float alpha_v;           // roughness in v direction
    float r0;                // normal reflectance
    float weight;            // 
    unsigned char bsdf_type; // 

// NDF
float D_ggx(
    const float3& m,        // microfacet normal
    const float alpha_x,    // roughness in x direction
    const float alpha_y     // roughness in v direction
    ) {
    const float sx = -m.x / (m.z * alpha_x);
    const float sy = -m.y / (m.z * alpha_y);
    const float sl = 1.0f + sx * sx + sy * sy;
    const float cos_theta_m4 = m.z * m.z * m.z * m.z;
    return 1.0f / ((sl * sl) * RA_PI * alpha_x * alpha_y * cos_theta_m4);

// Smith masking function
float G_smith(
    const float3& omega,   // incident/exitant direction
    const float ax2,       // x roughness^2
    const float ay2        // y roughness^2
    ) {
    const float cos_o2 = omega.z * omega.z;
    const float tan_theta_o2 = (1.0f - cos_o2) / cos_o2;
    const float cos_phi_o2 = omega.x * omega.x;
    const float sin_phi_o2 = omega.y * omega.y;

    const float alpha_o2 =
        (cos_phi_o2 * ax2 + sin_phi_o2 * ay2) / (cos_phi_o2 + sin_phi_o2);

    return 2.0f / (1.0f + safe_sqrtf(1.0f + alpha_o2 * tan_theta_o2));

// Sample a visible normal as per Heitz 2018: 
// http://jcgt.org/published/0007/04/01/
float3 sample_visible_normal_ggx(
    const float3& omega_o_l,    // the outgoing direction
    const float ax,             // roughness in x
    const float ay,             // roughness in y
    const float x1,             // sample
    const float x2              // sample
    ) {
    const float3 v_h =
        normalize(make_float3(ax * omega_o_l.x, ay * omega_o_l.y, omega_o_l.z));
    // orthonormal basis
    const float lensq = v_h.x * v_h.x + v_h.y * v_h.y;
    const float3 T1 = lensq > 0 ? make_float3(-v_h.y, v_h.x, 0.0f) / sqrtf(lensq)
                          : make_float3(1, 0, 0);
    const float3 T2 = cross(v_h, T1);
    // parameterization of projected area
    const float r = sqrtf(x1);
    const float phi = 2.0f * RA_PI * x2;
    const float t1 = r * cosf(phi);
    float t2 = r * sinf(phi);
    const float s = 0.5f * (1.0f * v_h.z);
    t2 = (1.0f - s) * safe_sqrtf(1.0f - t1 * t1) + s * t2;
    // reprojection onto hemisphere
    const float3 n_h = 
        t1 * T1 + t2 * T2 + safe_sqrtf(1.0f - t1 * t1 - t2 * t2) * v_h;
    // transform back to ellipsoid
    return normalize(make_float3(ax * n_h.x, ay * n_h.y, max(0.0f, n_h.z)));

void bsdf_eval(
    BsdfData& bsdf_data,        // data struct with BDSF parameters
    const float3& omega_o_l,    // exitant direction
    const float3& omega_i_l,    // incident direction
    const float4& lambda,       // active wavelengths for current path
    float4& f,                  // BSDF result
    float4& kt,                 // complement of fresnel reflection
                                // for material layering
    float4& pdf                 // probability of sampling omega_i_l
    ) {
    if (omega_i_l.z <= 0.0f) {
        f = make_float4(0.0f);
        pdf = make_float4(0.0f);

    const float alpha_x = fmaxf(1.0e-7f, bsdf_data.alpha_u);
    const float alpha_y = fmaxf(1.0e-7f, bsdf_data.alpha_v);

    const float ax2 = alpha_x * alpha_x;
    const float ay2 = alpha_y * alpha_y;

    // microfacet normal
    const float3 m = normalize(omega_o_l + omega_i_l);
    const float mu_m = max(0.0, dot(omega_o_l, m));

    // normal distribution function
    const float D = D_ggx(m, alpha_x, alpha_y);

    // masking-shadowing
    const float G1_o = G_smith(omega_o_l, ax2, ay2);
    const float G1_i = G_smith(omega_i_l, ax2, ay2);
    const float G2 = G1_o * G1_i;

    // fresnel
    const float kr = schlick_fresnel(data.r0, mu_m);
    kt = make_float4(1.0f - kr);

    const float denom = 4.0f * omega_i_l.z * omega_o_l.z;

    f = bsdf_data.rho * D * G2 * kr / denom;

    pdf = make_float4(G1_o * D * mu_m / denom);

float4 bsdf_pdf(
    BsdfData& bsdf_data, 
    const float3& omega_o_l,
    const float3& omega_i_l, 
    const float4& lambda
    ) {
    if (omega_i_l.z <= 0.0f) {
        return make_float4(0.0f);

    const float alpha_x = fmaxf(1.0e-7f, bsdf_data.alpha_u);
    const float alpha_y = fmaxf(1.0e-7f, bsdf_data.alpha_v);

    const float ax2 = alpha_x * alpha_x;
    const float ay2 = alpha_y * alpha_y;

    // microfacet normal
    const float3 m = normalize(omega_o_l + omega_i_l);
    const float mu_m = max(0.0, dot(omega_o_l, m));

    // normal distribution function
    const float D = D_ggx(m, alpha_x, alpha_y);

    // masking-shadowing
    const float G1_o = G_smith(omega_o_l, ax2, ay2);

    const float denom = 4.0f * omega_i_l.z * omega_o_l.z;

    return make_float4(G1_o * D * mu_m / denom);

void bsdf_sample(BsdfData& bsdf_data,
                                     const float3& omega_o_l,
                                     const float4& lambda, const float x1,
                                     const float x2, float3& omega_i_l,
                                     float4& f, float4& kt, float4& pdf) {
    const float ax = fmaxf(1.0e-7f, bsdf_data.alpha_u);
    const float ay = fmaxf(1.0e-7f, bsdf_data.alpha_v);

    // sample microfacet normal
    const float3 m = sample_visible_normal_ggx(omega_o_l, ax, ay, x1, x2);
    const float mu_m = max(0.0, dot(omega_o_l, m));

    // reflect to get incoming direction
    omega_i_l = reflect(-omega_o_l, m);

    const float ax2 = ax * ax;
    const float ay2 = ay * ay;

    // normal distribution function
    const float D = D_ggx(m, ax, ay);

    // masking-shadowing
    const float G1_o = G_smith(omega_o_l, ax2, ay2);
    const float G1_i = G_smith(omega_i_l, ax2, ay2);
    const float G2 = G1_o * G1_i;

    // fresnel
    const float kr = schlick_fresnel(data.r0, mu_m);
    kt = make_float4(1.0f - kr);

    const float denom = 4.0f * omega_i_l.z * omega_o_l.z;

    f = bsdf_data.rho * D * G2 * kr / denom;
    pdf = make_float4(G1_o * D * mu_m / denom);